Review: Night

14 Dec

Night by Elie Wiesel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of the most moving books ever written. It is one boy’s experience of the concentration camps in Germany, Berkinau to Auschwitz, and it is intense. I do not use that word lightly. It is I N T E N S E. Because it is real. Because it is so terribly, terrifyingly true.

These are the things that once you see you cannot unsee and once you imagine you should not forget. Part of me feels that everyone needs to read this book, everyone everywhere, so nothing like this will happen again.

The prose is so clear and perfect and lucid, it’s like looking through a pair of glasses right into hell.

If you want to know anything about this part of World War 2, or if you want to see why HATE is the emotion to be feared above all others, or if you just want to be a better person and to learn from the mistakes of humanity’s past, this is the book for you.

View all my reviews


About sboydtaylor

S. Boyd Taylor lives in Dallas, TX, with his loving wife and brilliant daughter. He practices internal martial arts, writes strange stories, investigates random languages (without really learning them), and tries to play guitar. He also loves Doctor Who, Monty Python, and nice days on the patio when it's about 75-degrees Fahrenheit.
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Posted by on 12/14/2011 in Uncategorized


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